Hi everyone!
Its seems like such a long time ago but its only been a few weeks. But so many changes have been going on in my life. First I turned 35. Second we moved.....back into our old home, long story!!! At first it was upsetting, we thought we had sold it but that fell through and as much as it was a pain in the butt, it was a learning experience and it now looks like it will be for the best, we may be able to buy a new house this summer!!! And the best change in our lives has been that we have set a goal of getting healthy. 2 weeks ago both Carl and I decided it was time to get in shape, start eating right and exercising. I am soo proud of both of us. We set down some goals and plans, like no junk food, only eating healthy meals and snacks,and we each set a weight goal. We gave ourselves a "cheat day", once a week we are allowed to cheat and eat something we love that may not be the healthiest. We are going to deprive ourselves of things we love, like Carl and his chips!!! We are both experiencing new foods...like kale and eggplant. We are walking everyday and bought an exercise bike. My friend Angie has lent me Zumba for the Wii and I am enjoying that. We each treated ourselves to a new workout outfit and sneakers. 2 weeks in and we are both enjoying some weight loss, as of last Thursday we had lost a total of 11 pounds between the two of us. But more importantly we both have more energy, are sleeping better and Carl has even commented on how much of a better mood I have been in and we seem to be enjoying life more. Dont get me wrong it hasnt been easy, the first few days were rough, I think I was going through withdraws and I was cranky. Getting my self motivated to exercise was hard, but once I was finished I felt so much better and now look forward to it everyday. I love pushing myself a little harder each day to beat what I accomplished yesterday. My end goal isnt to be super skinny. Its just to be able fit enough to enjoy activities, not to get winded just walking around the block, to not fit into my winter clothes next fall and maybe get healthy enough to get pregnant in the future. Its crazy how much better I feel......after only 2 weeks I never want to go back to even how I was 2 weeks ago! I have to thank a few people.......Abigail Cappel and Shandy Showers(my sisters in this journey) for your motivation and support, and encouragement, my best friend Angie for getting me started, listening to me and encouraging me, and most importantly to my husband who joined me on this endeavor, for your encouragement when I wanted to give up and for trying all these new foods with me, I couldnt do it without you, I am proud of your accomplishments too! I am so excited and we are only 2 weeks in, please pray for us that we can keep it up and accomplish our goal!
If anyone wants any info on what we are doing or wants to join us let me know!