Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thankful Tuesdays!

I know I already blogged once today but 2 is better than 1 right?? I recently started reading Ann Voskamp's book "ONE THOUSAND GIFTS" If you havent heard of it or want some more info on it, check out http://onethousandgifts.com/. In her book Ann dares you to live fully right where you are and discusses what it means to be deeply human, deeply spiritual, deeply and authentically fulfilled. It is a beautifully practical guide to living a life of joy and invites you to wake up to God's everyday blessings. We all want to be happy, we all want our lives filled with great moments and experiences but most of us are looking too hard. Its right in front of us, every moment has the potential to be beautiful and memorable. We just need to open our eyes. To see the beauty in the simpliest of things, to appreciate what we have, who we have and where we are in life. This life is a precious gift and when we take the time to see the beauty in everything around us we stop looking for more and learn to love where we are and the beauty that surrounds us. A great way to do this is to keep a "Thankful  Journal"....make lists of the wonderful things we have, the people around us and the great moments we have together. Take time to stop and really think about what makes us smile. Get out a piece and paper and jot down things you love, things you appreciate and things you take for granted. It really does make a difference, once you do this you will begin to see things differently, and you will really learn to appreciate the great gifts we already have around us. God is wonderful and he has given us all we need already, it is all there for us and we dont need more. Every Tuesday I will share my list with you, I hope you will join me and share your list with me, lets see how long it takes us to get to "One Thousand Gifts"

1.the ability to write, and share my ideas
2.good morning kisses from my husband
3. the smell of fall and the sound of the breeze in the leaves
4. peaceful quiet time to reflect and refresh
5.cuddles with Bailey
6 my health
7. encouraging words from a friend
8. the sound of laughter

I hope this encourages you and I hope you will share what you are thankful for this week. I am thankful that you spent some time reading my blog. Have a blessed day!


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